New Duty to God Program

Priesthood Teaching and Service Opportunities

Each young man is encouraged to take opportunities to teach and serve in their Priesthood duties.  The following opportunities are available to young men.

Teaching once per month in Priesthood (Deacons, Teachers, and Priests)
Go with the Elders on Wednesdays at 5:00-7:00 before youth activities (Priests)
Teach in Gospel Essentials with a companion the 4th Sunday of each month (Priests)
Home teaching assignments (Deacons, Teachers, and Priests)
Collect fast offerings each Fast Sunday (Deacons)
Administer the Sacrament to shut-ins assigned by the Bishop after church on the 2nd and      3rd Sundays (Priests)

   2013 Duty To God Teaching Plan

·       May - No DTG
-      June 5, Pray and Study the Scriptures
-      July 10, Live Worthily
-      August 14, Understand Doctrine  (prepare doctrine topic outlines)
-      September 11, Administer Priesthood Ordinances
-      October 9, Serve Others
-      November 13, Invite All to Come Unto Christ
-      December 11, For the Strength of Youth Project

New Duty to God Program

The Young Men of Olympia First Ward began the new Duty to God (DTG) program in August of 2010.  The new DTG program encourages our YM to study the scriptures, act on what they have learned, and share their experiences.

Every second Wednesday of each month, the YM meet together to share what they have learned from their activities in studying DTG.  Each YM is encouraged to share these experiences with their quorums and set new goals for the next month during these meetings.

The YM presidency will be providing an annual teaching outline for parents so that our monthly DTG meeting may supplement your teachings in the home.

The new DTG program will not only help bring our YM closer to their Heavenly Father and to learn their priesthood duties, but also strengthen our families.

Please do not hesitate to contact one of the YM presidency members if you should have any questions.  We are grateful for the opportunity to work with your young men.

Br. Schmidtke

Service Projects:

Each Quorum DTG section requires a service project.  If you son would like assistance in selecting and planning a service project, please let one of the YM presidency know.

Learn, Act, Share

Each Sunday a young man is assigned the opportunity to share a Duty to God experience.  This may be what he has worked on recently, a current project, or a plan on what he will be working on.  Each quorum president assigns a young man to share each Sunday.  Ask your son if he has had the opportunity to share in his quorum.

Priest Quorum teaching focus:

With the announcement of young me being able to serve a mission at the age of 18, the Priest Quorum will have a special focus on mission preperation in their DTG acitivities.  Each Priest should have his own "Preach My Gospel" manual to work from in addition to his DTG and "For the Strength of Youth" manuals.  Each week it will be required that a Priest Quorum member bring each of these resources and his scriptures.

The Preists will be encouraged to develop lessons and practice sharing messages and their testimonies.  The Priests also have opportunities to visit Ward members in a companionship.  We will also focus on studying from printed scriptures, not electronic devises.