Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer Activities

Combined Activity, Capture the flag

Tyler and Dan with Grover and the Bishop's Storehouse service project

Mallory and Macey load the freezer at the Bishop's Storehouse

June Combined activity at Lion's Park

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

 Swing dance lessons at combined activity.
 The scout troop works on the archery merit badge at Camp Nisqually.

 The Venture Crew spends an evening at the climbing wall at The Evergreen State College.

Swing dance lessons.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

2013 Snow Shoe Trip

 Preparing to begin the assent
 Demonstration on why snow shoes are necessary
 One of the many breaks on the way up to the hut

 In between snow ball fights, snow caves were  built
 This is a hallway between two snow caves

This is the "hut" that we roughed it in for two nights