As I reflect on how the scouting program has impacted my life, I am struck by the many different ways I have been blessed through my scouting activities, both as a youth and as an adult. Many of the skills I have needed over the years as a missionary, student, husband, father, church leader, employee, and as a member of society, I either learned or improved through my experience in scouting. I was blessed to pass on many of those life lessons and skills to my children; particularly my son who is also an Eagle Scout.
As you know, the Church has had a close association with the Boy Scouts of America for almost 100 years. You have, no doubt, heard the scouting organization referred to as the “activity arm” of the priesthood. Part of the reason for this close association between the church and scouting is that the principles align very well. Teaching young men to regularly give service to others, to be trustworthy, self-sufficient, loyal, and reverent (among many other positive qualities) lays a wonderful foundation for the priesthood.
President Thomas S. Monson has been a lifelong friend of the Boy Scouts of America, and has been a member of the national governing board for the BSA for forty years. Last year when scouting celebrated its 100 year anniversary, President Monson gave an address commemorating the event. “Scouting brings out the best in each of us,” President Monson said. “You’ve learned much from Scouting. Live what you’ve learned and will continue to learn. Help others to hike the trails, to keep steadfast in the paths of truth, of honor, of duty, that all of you can soar together on eagles’ wings. You are part of a mighty army of youth, even a royal army, and every organization, to be successful, has an honored tradition to uphold. May you uphold Scouting’s tradition, for it can be as a lighthouse beacon in the world of stormy seas, it can be a motivation to prepare for your role in life, it can be a yardstick against which you measure your accomplishments.”
I hope each of us can continue to live up to our potential as scouters and priesthood holders. If we apply the principles of the gospel and of scouting in our lives, they will lead us to success and happiness more powerfully than any other thing we can do.
Brother Dan Devoe